Thursday, 20 June 2013

Shrimp with super hot sonic rays.......

There are animals with natural weapons.

And then there's the Pistol Shrimp.

It has a power that would fit nicely into an X-men movie: Its claw is also a high power sonic stunner. In groups they are actually a hazard to nuclear submarines:

The bit about the bubbles reaching the temperature of the Sun? It's down to something called cavitation. I actually did part of my PhD on this, or at least how to protect against it. So, because my ego is so big that new legislation means I have to pay tax on it, I'll bore you with an explanation:


.....Is a process which can happen in lots of industries where liquid is involved. When something opens up a void or cavity in a liquid, whatever process opens the cavity stores a certain amount of potential energy in its walls.

When the cavity collapses all that energy gets concentrated into a tiny, tiny, volume by the collapse - much smaller than the size of the bubble. Because temperature is a result of how energy is concentrated, as well as how much energy is present, a small amount of energy can produce a massive temperature if squeezed into a tiny enough space. 

Hence how the pistol shrimps claw can produce a temperature as hot as the surface of the sun without being nuclear powered.

For a bit more explanation here's my friend Frank:

Or, as the shrimp would say: "BANG! You're lunch!"

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