Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Clever Monkey!

Most people - by which I mean people who watch the Discovery Channel and Horizon - know that chimps are pretty smart by animal standards. But the chimp in the video below finds a way to get his peanut back that I think some humans would have missed:

Ahem. I didn't think of it myself. Ahem.

To be fair to me, the chimp had a whole ten minutes to figure it out, and you can't see from the video that there's a supply of water in the next room. Still, it's not bad going.

[Sound of John's wounded ego being soothed]

And when you see Orang-utan's building spears to fish with -- and using them like this.....

.... then mankinds dominance of this planets starts to look a bit shaky.

No, this isn't amade up image, which is very worrying for many reasons.
 Then you see something like this:
... and realise: They're not at all superior. I mean, a human would have needed at least five pints before they'd try that.

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