Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Things you can do with custard, part 2: Make it dance, and blow it up.....

Is custard evil? Well, it could be - it explodes.

It's found it's way into your kitchen.

Dum dum dahhhhhh!

Watch what it's got this kid doing:

So is custard a deadly explosive, waiting in your home, put there by monsters who want to steal your wife and rape your cattle?

 Poor Daisy.

Er... no. It isn't that custard powder is especially explosive - it's just that the powder is very, very, fine. When it's puffed into the air, it burns incredibly fast. Ignite it in a tin and the gas and heat released by the burning builds up until they force the lid off with a sudden bang.

So custard is, at most, mildly mischievous. Not the yellow spawn of Satan - although I would have disagreed strongly when I was at school.

In fact, to prove custard's fundamentally good nature, it will now dance for you -  remember it's a non-Newtonian liquid, so it goes solid where vibrations strike it and goes runny where they don't. So it's going to dance in a slightly weird and creepy way, true, but it shows it's trying.....

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