Sunday, 7 July 2013

The Hippos are coming!

Perhaps I'm getting on a bit, but the movies I grew up with left me with a certain impression of Hippos.

That impression was something like this:

Then I got old enough to use the internet, and (as well as a puberty full of disappointing internet porn) I discovered video's like this:

Maybe it's that Hippo skin is so thick and tough that most handgun bullets won't penetrate it. Maybe it's that these things kill more people every year in Africa than all the big cats combined.

Whatever it is: This Hippo treats eight attacking lions with obvious contempt. She isn't even fighting back.

We know this because this is what a fighting Hippo looks like:


My childhood image of the friendly Hippo was utterly trashed after seeing that. If you can look at it and not feel a tiny dribble of wee-wee running down your trouser leg then you clearly have a computer that didn't load the picture right.
Give me a Xenomorph any day.

Officially cuddly next to an angry Hippo.

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